Interpet Life Flow Internal Power Filter, and Interpet Life Flow Cartridge Fish Tank Filter, 3 Ct
Internal Power Filter
Easy Fit
Suckers attach to the inside of the aquarium glass.
Easy Clean
Easy to remove, slot-in disposable filter cartridges
Phosphate Remover Spheres
Reduces unsightly algae
Effective five stage filtration:
1 “Max Life” Biomedia – creates healthy water by acting as a home for essential bacteria which remove toxic fish waste
2 Dual sided mechanical floss – Clears water by trapping fine waste
3 Activated Carbon – Purifies water by removing dyes toxins, heavy metals and odours
4 “Phosphate remover spheres” – Reduces unsightly algae by removing phosphate, algae’s favourite food
5 Oxygenated – Clear and healthy water returns to the aquarium.
Includes clear filter cover. Stops fish & aquatic invertebrates entering the filter.
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